Efficiency allocating resources

Project pipelines are about how to efficiently plan projects across the organization and about efficiently allocating resources. It is the most critical component of project portfolio management and the single biggest problem project organizations struggle with.

Project Portfolio Management

Portfolio management heavily depends on projects schedules and resource plans. Project portfolio software is typically very advanced and difficult to use. But when schedules and systems that track the availability of people are too low quality it is not going to work. Think about when they don’t get properly updated. When estimates are uncertain or biased. When there are high levels of uncertainties and lots of change. You know what I’m talking about when I say that most project organizations are running behind the facts.

Theory of Constraints

This project pipeline app is the easiest project pipelines software in the world. It is fully compliant with the principles of Theory of Constraints. Theory of Constraints enables exceedingly simple solutions. This app only requires 4 parameters per project to allocate resources in the most efficient way. And it is even more reliable than advanced software.

Powerful features

These are capabilities of the project pipeline app. All project portfolio software should cover this:

  • Provide a project road map to visualize the timeline of all projects
  • Provide a visual overview of where projects are in the project pipelines
  • Indicate when to start projects to replenish the pipeline
  • Forecast when projects are expected to be completed
  • Assess proposals and what can be promised to clients, even during the early sales stages
  • Signals when pipelines get overloaded or underloaded
  • Alerting when projects are at risks, moving too fast, moving too slow
  • Automatically adjust and reschedule with productivity changes
  • Take uncertainties and fluctuations into account
  • Tune the rate and timing for initiating new projects
  • Insensitive for unreliable or biased estimates
  • Extremely low levels of administrative overhead
  • Show actual financial performance compared to baseline performance
  • Visualization of work and workload for pipeline bottlenecks
  • Keeps track of irregularity reports for ongoing improvement
  • and more…

Replenishing shortcut

Instead of exactly scheduling every task and allocating individual resources, this pipeline app is designed for efficiently replenishing project pipelines.

When projects get started as indicated by the pipeline app, it prevents that people must stop working on what they are doing to work on other tasks, that they don’t have time, or get too many other things to do. The pipeline gets replenished most effectively, throughput and velocity will maximize with the least problems and hiccups.

This replenishment shortcut makes it easier than analyzing plans and calculating dependencies.


How powerful this mechanism is, becomes clear when you know that how projects move across the planning board, 0 sufficient to calculate the velocity and also the level of uncertainty in the pipeline. This is used to adjust the slope of the roadmap, and the width of the roadmap.

The slope relates to the velocity in the pipeline. The roadmap gets steeper when the velocity increases. And it gets flattered when the velocity decreases.

The width of the roadmap corresponds with the level of uncertainty and fluctuations in the pipeline. When more fluctuations are measured, projects must be started ahead of time to ensure timely replenishment. And protective safety buffers are added to the end of the project.

Easiest Project Pipeline Software

This project pipeline app is the easiest the only dependable project pipeline software that isn’t dependent on project schedules and resource plans in the world. And it even works better. Old-school pipelines often take years to set up. This pipeline app can be up and running in a few days or a few weeks.

Boot camp 6 July

How easy this is you can experience yourself during the Boot Camp program, which starts July 6th. With a little help, you can do this yourself, and that is what we are going to do during the one-month’s Boot Camp.

This pipeline app is designed to improve the productivity of your entire project portfolio by 20-50% without practically anyone having to change anything.

This Boot Camp is also available through BlueDolphin.

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